


Music by Schoenfield, Vivier, Bartók and Bloch

Noa Wildschut, violin
Pablo Barragán, clarinet
Frank Dupree, piano
Anton Spronk, cello

Accentus Music | release date: 12 July 2024

Balagan offers a captivating journey through a diverse array of musical landscapes, showcasing the exquisite interplay between clarinet, violin, and piano. At its heart lies Paul Schoenfield’s Trio, a vibrant and energetic composition that weaves together elements of classical, jazz, and folk music with masterful precision.

Claude Vivier’s “Pièce pour violon et clarinette” adds an avantgarde touch to the repertoire, exploring the boundaries of sound and expression. Meanwhile, Béla Bartók’s “Contrasts” offers a dynamic exploration of Hungarian folk melodies, infused with Bartók’s signature rhythmic complexity and harmonic richness.

The arrangement of Ernest Bloch’s “Prayer” by Thomas Beijer evokes a sense of introspection and reverence, showcasing the trio’s ability to convey deep emotion through their impeccable musicianship. On a lighter note, the arrangements of eden ahbez’s “Nature Boy” and Béla Kovács’s “Greetings from the Balkan” bring a touch of whimsy and charm, offering delightful moments of musical exploration.

With the stellar performances of Noa Wildschut on violin, Pablo Barragán on clarinet, and Frank Dupree on piano, Balagan is a captivating recording that celebrates the beauty and versatility of chamber music. Each piece is brought to life with passion, precision, and a profound sense of artistic expression, making this album a must-have for classical music enthusiasts and newcomers alike.

A coproduction with Südwestrundfunk.




Sonata K454 Violin Concerto No.5 Adagio K261

Yoram Ish-Hurwitz, piano
Netherlands Chamber Orchestra | Gordan Nikolić, conductor

Warner Classics | release date: 22 September 2017


"Mozart’s music is so clean and pure, yet also so full of life. He has a special significance for me since it was with his music that I won the Louis Spohr Competition, and that’s where my life as a concert performer really started."


“Wildschut displays an engaging musicianship well beyond her years. … Her interpretation is a fine achievement and a harbinger of even better things to come. … The slow movement’s undulating melody sneaks in delightfully, and the Rondo’s episodes are vividly characterised by both soloist and the agile orchestra. … Magical moments.”

“A young woman playing a young man’s music: a perfect match. … Wildschut plays with ardency and a singing tone. … A musician of individuality and imagination.”

“Fresh and spontaneous music-making, promising and mature. Beautiful!”
“Fris en spontaan musiceren, veelbelovend en volwassen. Mooi!”

Le Soir

"Everywhere freedom, a naturalness, elegant and beautiful music making. A compelling discovery!"
“Et partout une liberté, un naturel, un chant élégant et racé qui frisent l’évidence. Á découvrir d’urgence”

Klassieke Zaken
"A new color in the music world ... a sparkling cd debut ... more than promising ... lightness and pleasure ... youthful elan ... with her own signature "
"Een nieuwe kleur in de muziekwereld ... een sprankelend cd debuut ...
meer dan veelbelovend ... lichtheid en plezier ... jeugdig elan ... met een eigen signatuur”


"If freedom led to miracles ... between Wildschut and Mozart there are no laws and practical objections in the way. Her playing fits perfectly with his world: playful, fresh, but with the burdens that the youth identifies with."
“Als onbevangenheid wonderen doet… Tussen Wildschut en Mozart staan geen wetten en praktische bezwaren in de weg. Haar spel past volmaakt bij zijn wereld: speels, fris, maar met het peinzen dat de jeugd kenmerkt.”

"What she does not have to share with anyone is her own fabulous intuition that continually brightens her playing. The violin playing is immaculate, her insight is sublime, filled with imagination, the ideas are presented generously and with rich abundance ... sparkling, filled with expression and above all: the integrity of an interpretation that puts the composer first and foremost ... a very successful cd debut by Noa Wildschut!"
“Wat zij met niemand verder hoeft te delen is haar eigen fabelachtige intuïtie die haar spel voortdurend doet oplichten. De violistiek is vlekkeloos, het inzicht subliem, de verbeelding is er, de ideeën in hun volle rijkdom en met gulle hand gepresenteerd…. de sprankeling is er, de gelaagde expressie is er en bovenal: de integriteit van een vertolking die de componist op de eerste plaats zet is er… een zéér geslaagd cd-debuut van Noa Wildschut!”

"Prodigy meets former prodigy. That's clear after listening to the debut album of 16-year-old Noa Wildschut with an entirely Mozart program ... grown into a gifted violinist ... refreshing and as new ... With each time you want to hear the concert again ... this beautiful album. And Noa? Cherish her as a exuberant diamond!
"Wonderkind ontmoet voormalig wonderkind. Dat is duidelijk na het beluisteren van het debuutalbum van … de 16-jarige Noa Wildschut met een volledig Mozartprogramma … uitgegroeid tot een begenadigd violiste…  verfrissend en als nieuw…Telkens wil je het concert weer horen… dit fraaie album. En Noa? Koesteren als een groeidiamant!"

de Volkskrant
"Lithe, silvery tone, which in the expressive measures colours transforms to glowing bronze."
“lenige, zilverachtige toon, die in expressieve maten verkleurt naar gloeiend brons.”

"A magnificent Mozart CD ... Wonderful. Not to be missed!"
“een magnifieke Mozart cd…Wondermooi. Niet te missen!”

"fresh and singing. A beautiful talent"
“frais et chantant. Une belle promesse”

"this debut CD hit the mark"
"debuut-cd is een schot in de roos"

"Amazing talent: Mozart by Noa Wildschut
Noa Wildschut - that is a name that you will often be reading and hearing about ... Noa Wildschut shows great potential, her sensitivity, balancing different sentiments, and her refined chamber music artistry. "
Nachwuchs-Power: Mozart von Noa Wildschut
"Noa Wildschut – das ist ein Name, von dem man vermutlich noch oft lesen und vor allem hören wird… zeigt sich Noa Wildschuts großes Potenzial, das Einfühlungsvermögen, mit verschiedensten Stimmungen zu jonglieren, und ihre feinen kammermusikalischen Fähigkeiten.”

Radio Klassik
"She is one of the most promising young violinists of our time and has now released her debut CD on Warner. Very impressive."
“Sie gilt als eines der vielversprechendsten jungen Violintalente unserer Zeit und hat nun bei Warner ihr CD Debüt veröffentlicht. Sehr beeindruckend.”

“When a Mozart concerto sounds like an opera: the debut of Dutch violinist Noa Wildschut. The beginning of a promising discography marks Wildschut's debut album.”
“Wenn das Mozart-Konzert wie eine Oper klingt: Das Debüt der niederländische Geigerin Noa Wildschut. Den Beginn einer vielversprechenden Diskographie markiert Wildschut Debüt-Album.”

“Technically brilliant, equipped with a wonderful parlando, she conveys her very own view of this piece … ‘It’s like telling a story,’ she says, and in light of this grandiose interpretation, one immediately believes her.”
“Technisch brillant, mit einem wunderbaren Parlando ausgestattet, erzählt sie ihre ganz eigene Sicht auf dieses Stück … ‘Es ist als werde eine Gechichte erzählt’, sagt sie und in Anbetracht dieser grandiosen Interpretation mag man dies ihr sofort glauben.”

Klassik erleben
“Above all, Noa Wildschut associates Mozart with the expression of immense purity, which she expresses in her interpretation of the Violin Sonata KV 454, accompanied by pianist Yoram Ish-Hurwitz, with an excitingly clear, finely balanced tone.”
“Mit Mozart verbindet Noa Wildschut vor allem den Ausdruck ungeheurer Reinheit, was sie auch in ihrer Interpretation der Violinsonate KV 454, begleitet vom Pianisten Yoram Ish-Hurwitz, mit erregend klarem, fein ausgewogenem Ton zum Ausdruck bringt.”